
We designed Loenbro’s new pipe-fabrication facility and provided construction administration to ensure a high quality outcome for this highly specialized shop.

The shop houses 20 welding stations and features two overhead 10-ton cranes and 22 jib cranes. The fabrication shop includes an attached support office.

Our firm also designed and provided construction administration for Loenbro’s 30,000 square foot corporate headquarters as well as their 5,000 square foot service shop.

These three projects complete the 52 acre complex for their growing international firm.

Size: 27,000 SF Shop,  3,000 SF Support Office

Unique: This highly specialized building used heavy steel construction and was sized for bridge cranes. We worked closely with the owner to build the shop to their industrial specifications.


Loenbro Properties, Inc.

What we did

Architectural Design, Construction Administration

Staff Assigned

Dale Nelson
Tyson Kraft

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